Viber Business Messages allows for a variety of Messages to be used to communicate with Users.
The following are examples of the types of Messages that can be sent:

The type of Message is defined by parameters that are specified in your request:
- Example of Push+Viber+SMS Message request
- Example of Viber+SMS Message request
- Example of Viber Message request
- Viber+SMS Mass Messages (batch) request
- Viber Mass Messages (batch) request
- Viber+SMS Mass Messages (broadcast) request
- Viber Mass Messages (broadcast) request
Viber provides Two-way Communication – the User can respond to your Messages as well as has option to initiate the conversation (Viber User replies).
In case the Message can not be delivered to Viber, the multi channel messaging platform CPaaS can use lower-priority option and deliver the Message to SMS channel.
You can use more than one Viber ID. The parameter “alpha_name” is required to be specified in your request. It determines which Viber ID is used:
- Example of Viber Message request
- Viber Mass Messages (batch) request
- Viber Mass Messages (broadcast) request)
The “alpha_name” link to the Viber ID is configured on the GMS side.
Some countries allow to send transactional Messages only with a pre-registered text template. For the list of these countries, refer to your account manager. A description of the query parameters is provided in the following sections: