Get simple delivery report


Simple Message delivery report may be requested by the Message identifier (received via API in the course of Messages creation: message_id) or by the additional identifier (set by you in JSON request: extra_id parameter).

To get the report using Message identifier, use the following URL:{client_id}/api/dr/{message_id}/simple

To get the report using the additional identifier, use the following URL:{client_id}/api/dr/external/{extra_id}/simple

An example of simplified delivery report:

  "phone_number": "380961111111",
  "last_partner": "sms",
  "message_id": "9f60ac8f-e721-5027-b838-e6fcb95fcd7a",
  "extra_id": "AD-6640-7006",
  "time": 1477417294667,
  "status": 2,
  "substatus": 23,
  "hyber_status": 23011,
  "total_sms_parts": 1,
  "delivered_sms_parts": 1

A description of the report parameters is provided in the Description Of The Request Parameters section.


Simple Message delivery report may be requested by the Message identifier (received via API in the course of Messages creation: message_id) or by the additional identifier (set by you in XML request: parameter).

To get the report using Message identifier, use the following URL:{client_id}/api/dr/{message_id}/simple

To get the report using the additional identifier, use the following URL:{client_id}/api/dr/external/{extra_id}/simple

An example of simplified delivery report:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

A description of the report parameters is provided in the Description Of The Request Parameters section.