As soon as the status is updated in the GMS system, Message delivery reports are stored in the batch. The batch is sent to your URL in json-format (http, https). The number of reports in the batch and the period of its sending are configured on the GMS side. Example of report:
"number": "380961111111",
"time": 1477417294667,
"status": 2,
"substatus": 23,
"hyber_status": 23011,
"message_id": "9f60ac8f-e721-5027-b838-e6fcb95fcd7a",
"extra_id": "AD-6640-7006",
"sent_via": "sms"
}, {
"number": "380962222222",
"time": 1477417299000,
"status": 3,
"substatus": 35,
"hyber_status": 35015,
"message_id": "e5ea7286-6849-52d7-9e1b-8719b736283e",
"extra_id": "AD-6640-7007",
"sent_via": "sms"
}, {
"number": "380963333333",
"time": 1477417299050,
"status": 2,
"substatus": 23,
"hyber_status": 23033,
"message_id": "8a3ff6c5-a1fb-4849-a54b-3c488753cb8b",
"extra_id": "AD-6640-7008",
"sent_via": "viber"
The HTTP Status 200 (OK) status code indicates that the request has been processed successfully on server. A description of the report parameters is provided in the Description Of The Request Parameters section.