API Errors

When method call fails with HTTP code other than 200, usually a JSON object is returned also with more details:

statusAlways contains “error” string
codeAPI error code (don’t confuse with HTTP code)
messageHuman-readable error message in English

Below you will find a list of almost all API error codes.

HTTP CodeAPI CodeMeaning and how to fix
400111JSON parsing error.
Check your JSON request syntax.
400118No DNS TXT records found.
Add a DNS verification record to your domain with values returned by domain request
400121Timeout searching domain.
DNS request has timed out. Please make sure your DNS provider is online and try again later.
400122DKIM record not found (almost the same as 120).
Please add to your domain a DKIM record with key returned by domain request
400123DKIM record malformed.
You should properly setup DKIM for your domain.
400124DKIM record does not match expected.
Seems like you have changed the record. While it’s technically correct, it doesn’t match the one we expect. You should use DKIM key returned by domain request
400129Unknown DKIM validation error with reason distinct to the ones from 120-124 errors.
Please check that you have correctly added a DKIM record with key returned by domain/get-dns-records method and try again. Please contact GMS support if the error still occurs.
400130The domain is not allowed according to Registry policy.
Please use another domain.
400201The message body is missing.
Check that your message body is being passed properly.
400202Sender email is missing.
Enter the sender email.
400203Email subject is missing.
Enter the subject.
400204Email recipients are passed improperly.
Make sure that the recipient’s list is passed as an array where each recipient is an array with obligatory ‘email’ parameter.
400205Invalid sender email.
Make sure the parameter is passed properly.
400206Sender email is not verified.
To avoid this error please use an email on a verified domain.
400207MIME file type is incorrect.
Check the file and the file type again.
400208Invalid attachment filename. Forbidden symbol ‘$symbol’.
Rename files with the forbidden symbols.
400209The attached file names are duplicated.
Rename files with the same names.
400210Inline attachment names are duplicated.
Rename files with the same names.
400211Invalid inline attachment filename. Forbidden symbol ‘$symbol’.
Rename files with the forbidden symbols.
400212Recipients passed improperly (‘substitutions’ array is not set).
The possible maximum substitutions number has been exceeded or substitutions have incorrect filetype (string/integer is allowed).
400216Recipients passed improperly.
‘Metadata’ value should be a string or integer. Array for ‘metadata’ key is expected.
400217Too many metadata fields passed.
Maximum 10 metadata fields allowed.
400218Recipients passed improperly.
Metadata key length should be less than 64.
400219Recipients passed improperly.
Metadata value length should less than 1024.
400220Metadata key should not be blank.
Make sure the metadata key is passed.
400221The tag does not exist in the request or is invalid.
Add the html <body> tag inside the <html> tag. The <body> tag is required to display HTML content.
400223The body is missing in the attachments ‘content’ or the void is transferred.
Add the ‘content’ and specify a value for it.
400224Substitution name should contain latin characters, numbers “_” or “-” characters and start whit a letter.
Make sure the substitution name is passed correctly.
400226Value of ‘track_links’ and ‘track_read’ must be equal to 0 for “template_engine”:“none”.
Set parameters value equal to 0.
400303Events list contains an unsupported value or the event is not supported.
Verify that the event list is entered correctly.
400304Webhook with the specified URL has not been found.
Make sure the URL is passed correctly.
400305URL is not passed.
Make sure the URL is passed correctly.
400601Template has not been found.
Check the passed template id.
400602The template name is missing.
Check the passed template name.
400603Template name passed in the request already belongs to another template.
Use another name for this template.
400604Maximum number of templates has been reached.
Delete already created templates to create new ones. The number of templates is limited to 10000.
400701Cause not found.
Invalid reason for blocking email. Please contact GMS support.
400906Exceeded the daily email reset limit.
You have used the entire available block reset limit. Try it tomorrow or contact GMS support to increase the limit.
4001000Missing recipient address.
Specify the recipient address.
4001001Invalid recipient address value.
Please enter a valid recipient address.
4001002Missing sender address.
Specify the sender address.
4001003Sender address not verified.
Verify the sender domain address.
4001004Invalid sender address value.
Please enter a valid sender address.
4001005Sender name is too long.
The sender name must be shorter. Please correct this value.
4001006Exceeded the daily limit of the email/subscribe method call.
Try to repeat the call the next day.
4001100Missing domain name.
Specify the domain to be verified.
4001101Invalid domain value.
Please enter a valid domain value.
4001200Missing domain name.
Specify the domain for validating.
4001201Invalid domain value.
Please enter a valid domain value.
4001202Domain is not registered in UniOne.
Please ask GMS support to help you solve the domain issue
4001301Invalid domain value.
Specify the domain to be verified.
4001302Invalid limit value.
The value of limit must be an integer in the range of 1 – 100.
4001303Invalid offset value.
The value of offset must be greater than or equal to 0.
4001304Invalid offset value type.
The value of offset must be an integer.
4001305Invalid limit value type.
The value of limit must be an integer.
4001400Missing domain name.
Specify the domain for validating.
4001401Invalid or non-existent domain.
Either you have mistyped the domain name and should correct it or DNS changes have not yet propagated through DNS and you should wait a couple of hours and try again. There should be A, AAAA or MX record for domain.
4001402Domain is not registered in UniOne.
Please ask GMS support to help you solve the domain issue
4001506Error in ‘headers’ field. This value should have object type.
Please check your JSON and use object for ‘headers’ field, not array or string or whatever.
4001507Error in ‘headers’ field. This container should contain over 50 elements.
Please limit ‘headers’ to no more than 50 elements.
4001508Error in ‘template_id’ field. There is no template with this ID.
Make sure the template ID is correct.
4001509Error in ‘body’ field. This value should have object type.
Please check your JSON and use object for ‘body’ field, not array or string or whatever.
4001510Error in ‘body.html’ field. The value should have a string type.
Use string type for ‘body.html’ parameter.
4001511Error in ‘body.plaintext’ field. The value should have a string type.
Use string type for ‘body.plaintext’ parameter.
4001512Error in ‘body.amp’ field. The value should have a string type.
Use string type for ‘body.amp’ parameter.
4001516Error in ‘body.html’ field. Substitutions contain invalid values.
Check the correct substitutions in the ‘body.html’ field.
4001517Error in ‘body.plaintext’ field. Substitutions contain invalid values.
Check the correct substitutions in the ‘body.plaintext’ field.
4001518Error in ‘body.amp’ field. Substitutions contain invalid values.
Check the correct substitutions in the ‘body.amp’ field.
4001519Error in ‘reply_to’ field. The value should have a string type.
Use string type for ‘reply_to’ parameter.
4001520Error in ‘reply_to’ field. Invalid email.
Check if the email is correct.
4001521Error in ‘from_name’ field. The value should have a string type.
Use string type for ‘sender_name’ parameter.
4001522Error in ‘subject’ field. The value should have a string type.
Use string type for ‘subject’ parameter.
4001524Error in ‘recipients’ field. This container should contain over 500 elements.
Please limit ‘recipients’ to no more than 500 elements.
4001525Error in ‘options.send_at’ field.
Make sure the date and time of the scheduled sending is no more than 24 hours in advance.
4001528Error in ‘global_language’ field. Language is not allowed.
Please pass only one of ‘ru’, ‘en’, ‘ua’, ‘be’, ‘es’, ‘fr’, ‘pl’, ‘de’, ‘pt’, ‘it’ values.
4001529Error in ‘options.send_at’ field. This value should be greater thancurrent time.
Set parameter value greater than current time.
4001530Error in ‘options.send_at’ field. This value should be of type string or this value is not a valid datetime.
Use string type for ‘options.send_at’ parameter. Make sure the datetime is passed correctly.
4001532This collection should contain 4 elements or less.
Please limit tags to no more than 4 elements.
4001533Error in ‘tags’ field. You can not create any more tags. Max tags number is 10000
Delete already created tags to create new ones. The number of tags is limited to 10000.
4001534One or more tags is too long, max. 50 characters.
The tags must be shorter. Please correct this value.
4001535One or more tags contains invalid symbols.
Make sure the tags is passed correctly.
Error in the ‘project’ field. Project section is absent.
Correct JSON structure.
Error in the ‘name’ field. This value should not be blank.
Use non-blank name.
Error in the ‘name’ field. It should have ‘string’ type.
Use string type for ‘name’ parameter.
Error in the ‘name’ field. This value is too long. It should have 255 characters or less.
Use shorter name.
Error in the ‘name’ field. Project with such a name already exists.
Use unique project name or delete existing project first.
4001606Error in the ‘send_enabled’ field. This value should be of type bool.
Set parameter value to true or false only.
4001607Error in ‘custom_unsubscribe_url_enabled’ field. This value should be of type bool.
Set parameter value to true or false only.
Forbidden to use field ‘custom_unsubscribe_url_enabled’.
Please contact GMS support.
Error in ‘country’ field. This value should be of type string.
Use string type for ‘country’ parameter.
4001610 1717Error in ‘country’ field. This value is not a valid country.
Make sure the ISO-3166 alpha-2 country code is passed correctly.
4001709Error in the ‘send_enabled’ field. The value should have a bool type.
Set parameter value to true or false only.
4001710Error in ‘custom_unsubscribe_url_enabled’ field. The value should have a bool type.
Set parameter value to true or false only.
Error in ‘project_id’ field. Project with ID:‘NNNN’ not exists.
Project id is invalid. Maybe it was deleted or never existed?
4001715 1807Error in ‘project_id’ field. This value is not valid.
Please check that you pass the project_id you have received by calling project/create method.
4001801Error in ‘project_api_key’ field. One of the two properties [‘project_api_key’ or ‘project_id’] is required.
Don’t forget to send either project_id or project_api_key.
Error in the ‘project_api_key’ field. The value should have a string type.
Use string type for ‘project_api_key’.
4001904Error in ‘project_id’ field. This value is not valid. The value should contain digits only.
Use correct numbers-only format for ‘project_id’.
4002500Error in ‘editor_type’ field. ‘html’ is required.
Make sure the ‘editor_type’ field is passed ‘html’.
4002501The template was created in a visual editor.
Make sure the template is created in HTML editor.
4002502Error in ‘editor_type’ field. This value should not be blank.
Pass ‘html’ in ‘editor_type’ field.
4002503Error in ‘id’ field. There is no template with this ID.
Make sure the template ID is correct.
4002504Error in ‘headers’ field. This value should have object type.
Please check your JSON and use object for ‘headers’ field, not array or string or whatever.
4002505Error in ‘headers’ field. This container should contain 50 elements or less.
Please limit headers to no more than 50 elements.
4002600Error in ‘limit’ field. This value should be greater than or equal to 0.
Set parameter value greater than or equal to 0.
4002601Error in ‘limit’ field. This value should be of type int.
Use int type for ‘limit’ parameter.
4002602Error in ‘offset’ field. This value should be greater than or equal to 0.
Set parameter value greater than or equal to 0.
4002603Error in ‘offset’ field. This value should be of type int.
Use int type for ‘offset’ parameter.
4002700Error in ‘url’ field. This value should be of type string.
Use string type for ‘url’ parameter.
4002701Error in ‘url’ field. This value should not be blank.
Make sure the URL is passed.
4002702Error in ‘offset’ field. This value should be greater than or equal to 0.
Set parameter value greater than or equal to 0.
4002706Error in ‘maxParallel’ field. This value should be of type int.
Use int type for ‘maxParallel’ parameter.
4002707Error in ‘maxParallel’ field. This value should be between 5 and 100.
Use a valid value of 5 to 100.
4002708Error in ‘events’ field. This value should be of type array.
Use array type for ‘events’ parameter.
4002709Error in ‘events’ field. This value should not be blank.
Use non-blank events.
4002710Error in ‘events’ field. Field ‘email_status’ is required.
Add ‘email_status’ parameter.
4002711Error in ‘email_status’ field. This value ‘test’ is not a valid email_status.
Add valid email statuses in the value.
4002712Error in ‘spam_block’ field. This value ‘test’ is not a valid spam_block.
Add valid spam blocking events in the value.
4002713Error in ‘url’ field. Webhook domain name not found.
Make sure the domain is passed correctly.
4002714Error in ‘status’ field. Invalid value, status could be one of ‘active’ or ‘disabled’.
Set status ‘active’ or ‘disabled’.
4002715Error in ‘status’ field. This value should be of type string.
Use string type for ‘status’ parameter.
4002800Error in ‘name’ field. This value should not be blank.
Make sure the ‘name’ is passed.
4002801Error in ‘name’ field. The value should have a string type.
Use string type for ‘name’ parameter.
4002802Error in ‘type’ field. The value should have a string type.
Use string type for ‘type’ parameter.
4002803Error in ‘content’ field. The value should have a string type.
Use string type for ‘content’ parameter.
4002804The size of the ‘content’ field must not exceed 7MB.
Reduce the size of the ‘content’ field to 7MB (9786710 bytes in base64).
4002900 3000
Error in ‘email’ field. This value should not be blank.
Make sure the email is passed.
Error in ‘email’ field. This value should be of type string.
Use string type for ‘email’ parameter.
4002903Error in ‘email’ field. This value is not a valid email address.
Verify that email is entered correctly.
4003003Error in ‘email’ field. Email doesn’t exist.
Email was not found in the suppression list.
4003004Error in ‘email’ field. Email cannot be deleted.
Email cannot be removed from the suppression list. Probably because of the severe reason like ‘blocked’.
4003103Error in ‘cause’ field. This value should not be blank.
Make sure the ‘cause’ is passed.
4003104 3200Error in ‘cause’ field. This value should be of type string.
Use string type for ‘country’ parameter
4003106Error in ‘cause’ field. Cause ‘test’ not allowed.
Please pass only one of the available values.
4003107Error in ‘created’ field. This value is not a valid datetime.
Make sure the datetime is passed correctly.
4003202Error in ‘source’ field. This value should be of type string.
Use string type for ‘source’ parameter.
4003203Error in ‘source’ field. Source ‘test’ not allowed.
Please pass only one of the available values.
4003204Error in ‘start_time’ field. This value should be of type string.
Use string type for ‘start_time’ parameter.
4003205Error in ‘start_time’ field. This value is not a valid datetime.
Make sure the datetime is passed correctly.
4003206Error in ‘cursor’ field. This value should be of type string.
Use string type for ‘cursor’ parameter.
4003207Error in ‘cursor’ field. Cursor ‘test’ not allowed.
Please pass only one of the available values.
4003208Error in ‘limit’ field. This value should be of type int.
Use int type for ‘limit’ parameter.
4003209Error in ‘limit’ field. This value should be greater than or equal to 0.
Set parameter value greater than or equal to 0.
4003300Error in ‘start_time’ field. This value should not be blank.
Make sure the ‘start_time’ is passed.
4003301Error in ‘start_time’ field. This value is not a valid datetime.
Make sure the datetime is passed correctly.
4003302Error in ‘end_time’ field. This value is not a valid datetime.
Make sure the datetime is passed correctly.
4003303Error in ‘limit’ field. This value should be positive.
Set parameter value greater than or equal to 0.
4003304Error in ‘format’ field. Incorrect value of the event dump file format.
Use ‘csv’ or ‘csv_gzip’ format only.
4003305Error in ‘delimiter’ field. Incorrect value of the event dump file delimiter.
Use ‘delimiter’ ‘;’ or ‘,’ only.
4003308Error in ‘all_projects’ field. The user does not have the required roles.
Projects methods are disabled by default. To enable them, contact support.
4003309User can have no more than 10 event dumps at a time.
Delete already created dumps to create new ones. The number of dumps is limited to 10.
4003310Error in ‘start_time’ field. The interval start date cannot be earlier than ‘$time’.
Make sure ‘start_time’ is in the allowed range.
4003311Error in ‘limit’ field. This value should be of type integer.
Use int type for ‘limit’ parameter.
4003312Error in ‘delimiter’ field. This value should be of type string.
Use string type for ‘delimiter’ parameter.
4003313Error in ‘format’ field. This value should be of type string.
Use string type for ‘format’ parameter.
4003400Error in ‘filter’ field. This value should be of type object.
Please check your JSON and use object for ‘filter’ field, not array or string or whatever.
4003401Error in ‘filter.job_id’ field. This value should be of type string.
Use string type for ‘filter.job_id’ parameter.
4003402Error in ‘filter.status’ field. This value should be of type string.
Use string type for ‘filter.status’ parameter.
4003403Error in ‘filter.status’ field. Status ‘dfdfs’ is invalid.
Please enter a valid ‘filter.status’ parameter.
4003404Error in ‘filter.email’ field. This value should be of type string.
Use string type for ‘filter.email’ parameter.
4003405Error in ‘filter.email’ field. This value ‘ewrewrew@dsfdfdds’ is not a valid email address.
Check if the email is correct.
4003406Error in ‘filter.email_from’ field. This value should be of type string.
Use string type for ‘filter.email_from’ parameter.
4003407Error in ‘filter.email_from’ field. This value ‘bitko82@gmailcom’ is not a valid email address.
Check if the email is correct.
4003408Error in ‘filter.domain’ field. This value should be of type string.
Use string type for ‘filter.domain’ parameter.
4003409Error in ‘filter.domain’ field. This value ‘test’ is not a valid domain.
Please enter a valid domain value.
4003410Error in ‘filter.domain’ field. Domain ‘gmail.com’ different from the domain in the email.
Make sure the domain is passed correctly.
4003411Error in ‘filter.delivery_status’ field. This value should be of type string.
Use string type for ‘filter.delivery_status’ parameter.
4003412Error in ‘filter.delivery_status’ field. Status ‘63’ is invalid.
Please enter a valid ‘filter.delivery_status’ parameter.
4003413Error in ‘filter.campaign_id’ field. This value should be of type string.
Use string type for ‘filter.campaign_id’ parameter.
4003414Error in ‘filter.campaign_id’ field. Value ‘340282366920938463463374607431768211255999’ is invalid number.
The data in request should be no more than 128 bit.
4003500 3600Error in ‘dump_id’ field. This value should not be blank.
Make sure the ‘dump_id’ is passed.
Error in ‘dump_id’ field. This is not a valid UUID.
Make sure the ‘dump_id’ is passed correctly.
4003502 3602Error in ‘dump_id’ field. Event dump with ID ‘NNNN’ does not exist.
Dump ID is invalid. Maybe it was deleted or never existed?
4003700This value should not be blank.
Make sure the ‘tag_id’ is passed.
4003701This value should be of type int.
Use int type for ‘tag_id’ parameter.